Optimising Service Delivery – Putting you in Control

Thursday 27th April  - 10:00 - 10:50 


Join us for our session ‘Optimising Service Delivery – Putting you in Control’ where we will be showcasing best practice examples for designing and delivering world-class web experiences covering taxonomy, content, creating seamless user journeys, and challenging you to rethink what a council website Homepage should be. 

Providing authentic headless architecture that separates the administration of content away from the presentation layer enables the syndication of information and the ability to quickly adapt to the ever-evolving range of devices used to access the world wide web. This approach, and our new category of Web CMS, CitizenVu, also enables users to consistently comply with accessibility guidelines, reducing the need to be responsible for ensuring adherence to the latest standards.  

The cloud-based solution also features hyper-personalisation tools, which adapts your website to the audience viewing it—giving you tools to define multiple personas and providing your users with relevant and meaningful content.  


The 50-minute online session through MS Teams will be hosted by Matt Culpin, Product Director, who, prior to joining IEG4 led the creative teams behind the successful design and delivery of 50+ council websites, including award-winning websites for a number of City Councils.


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