Transforming Citizen Engagement with London Borough of Southwark

Tuesday 9th November - 13:00 - 13:50

In the five months since going live with OneVu Citizen Engagement Platform, London Borough of Southwark have seen >58,000 online accounts created with 46% being created out-of-office hours. Encouraging self-serve by providing access to personalised information in real-time avoids unnecessary contact and enables Southwark to put its #CitizensFirst.

Joined by Grace Warr, Project Manager, and Laurence Fleming, Service Development Officer, from Southwark, IEG4 is hosting a 50-minute session next month where we will share insight on the collaborative project, their progress, and go-live experiences in transforming digital citizen engagement.  

In addition to hearing from Grace and Laurence, you’ll also see how:  

  • You can maximise take up/engagement across the generations with SMS-based sign-up and SMS/WhatsApp/Facebook notifications 
  • You can rapidly deliver modern, digital council tax, benefits, business rates, housing, licensing and waste services that you can improve/update over time, and provide automation to help with changes in workforce 
  • You can empower carers/family to manage the affairs of those they look after digitally; crucial in an age where everything is virtual  

At the end of the session there will be a Q&A session with Grace & Laurence (and the IEG4 team). Run through MS Teams, the session will be on Tuesday 9th November (13:00 – 13:50), to register your place 👉